The South of the Thames Cross Country Association has been flourishing for well over one hundred years now and continues to provide opportunities for club runners to test themselves against others from clubs based in an area bounded by the River Thames in the north, the south coast, the county of Kent in the east and as far west as a team might be prepared to travel.
The Association's races have been a fertile ground for developing runners, male and female, but are just as welcoming for those longer in the tooth who wish to renew the struggle against old adversaries.
The 5 miles Team Race is traditionally held in November and only requires four to score in each team, whilst the Championship event for one of the oldest team trophies in our sport, held over a minimum of 10k and usually 12k, in December, requires six scoring runners with a further eagerly fought competition, currently for men only, at twelve runners to score.
If your club is interested in taking part, you will find that it will need to be affiliated to the Association for your entry to be accepted. Only clubs that are in the London, South-East and South West regions may be affiliated. In addition, the club must not already be affiliated to the North of the Thames Cross Country Association. If you are in any doubt please contact the Secretary who will give you further information.
The affiliation fee for clubs is £10 per year and entry fees are £3 per runner unless the closing date has passed, in which case entries may be accepted up to the preceding Thursday - but at £6 per runner.
The Affiliated Clubs tab at the top of the page will show you which clubs have recently been affiliated.
2024 - 5 miles Team Race 23 November
2024 - Championship Race 21 December
Above: Kent Athletic Club and Belgrave Harriers slug it out for individual and team honours in the 2024 Team Race. Photo by Steve Gardner