Rules of the Association
1. That the Association be called THE SOUTH OF THE THAMES CROSS COUNTRY ASSOCIATION and membership of the Association will be open to all EA Affiliated clubs having their HQ south of the River Thames.
2. That the object of the Association be to arrange a cross country championship of clubs affiliated to the Association and for any other races for such clubs as the AGM sees fit.
3. That the Annual General Meeting of the Association be held in late April or in May, to which each affiliated club may send two delegates. One vote per club is permitted. 28 days notice shall be given of the AGM and items for inclusion on the agenda must be received at least 14 days before the meeting.
4. That the management be vested in president, past presidents, hon. secretary, hon. treasurer, assistant hon. secretaries each of whom shall have a vote at the meetings as well as the votes from club representatives at AGM and EGM’s. Club officers to be elected at the AGM. Life members may be elected and may attend and vote at meetings.
5. “The financial year of the Association shall end on 31 March each year and the annual subscription shall be due and payable on 1st April.
6. That two auditors, who shall be members of clubs affiliated to the Association, be appointed to examine and report upon the accounts of the Association for each financial year, such report to be presented at the annual general meeting.
7. That a Special General Meeting of the Association shall be called at the discretion of the Executive Committee, or by the Hon. Secretary within 14 days of the receipt by him of a written requisition signed by five representatives of different affiliated clubs, stating the reason for which such meeting shall be called, and only the business for which the meeting is called may be dealt with at such meeting.
8. That no rule shall be made altered or rescinded except at an Annual General Meeting, or Special General Meeting, called for that purpose.
9. Notice of all proposed alterations must be sent to the Hon. Secretary at least 14 clear days before the date of meeting.
10. That any club infringing these rules shall be liable to expulsion from the association.
11. That the affiliated clubs forming the Association shall be responsible for the liabilities of the Association.
12. Any matter not provided for in these Rules shall be dealt with by the Committee, whose decision shall be final.
Competition Rules
1. Races will be organised under E.C.C.A. and U.K. Athletics Rules.
2. Competitors must be first claim members of the Club which they represent.
3. Entries shall be made on the Official Entry Form and must be accompanied by the entry fee. The form shall give the full names and date of birth of the team members (and their address subject to the discretion of the entries secretary). No one whose name does not appear on the form shall be permitted to compete.
4. Every club intending to compete shall forward with their entry, a description of their club colours. Competitors should wear club colours.
5. After the entries close a Special General Meeting consisting of one representative of each affiliated club, shall meet to consider the entries, and it shall have the absolute power to reject the entry of any club or of any individual. Any objections unable to be dealt with at such meeting shall be referred to the Committee, whose decision shall be final.
The Championship - Men
1. The Championship race shall be organised each Cross Country season over a distance of not less than 10,000 metres.
2. Clubs may enter as many athletes as they wish. The first six finishers from a club will be deemed to be the team for the Dewar Shield and the first twelve finishers will be deemed to be the team for the Coleman Cup.
3. The first three teams of 6 and the first 3 individuals shall receive awards. Awards will also be given to the first man over 40, the first man over 50 and the first man over 60.
4. Entry fees to be as determined by the Committee.
The Championship - Women
1. The Women’s race shall be run in conjunction with the Men’s race and be held over the same course, with the same entry fees, but scored separately.
2. Clubs may enter as many runners as they wish. The first six finishers from a club shall be deemed to be the team for the Derek Crookes Trophy.
3. The first three teams of 6 and the first 3 individuals shall receive awards. Awards will also be given to the first woman over 40, the first woman over 50 and the first woman over 60.
Five Miles Team Race - Men (previously called “Junior” Team Race)
1. The race shall be approximately 8,000 metres.
2. Clubs may enter as many athletes as they wish. The first four finishers from a club will be deemed to be the “A” team, the second four the "B" team and so on. The first eight finishers from a club will be deemed to be the team for the Brent Shield.
3. Awards for the first three teams and first three individuals. The first team will receive the Lister Western Munroe Shield. Medals will also be awarded to the first three athletes who are under 20 years of age on the day of the race.
4. Entry fees to be determined by the Committee.
Five Miles Team Race - Women
1. Rules 1, 2 and 4 as above.
2. Awards for the first three teams and first three individuals. The first team will receive the Norah Heathfield Shield.
Dissolution Policy of the South of the Thames Cross Country Association
1. Criteria for dissolution
If one or more of the following criteria are met, this shall be considered grounds for dissolution of the Association.
1.1 That the number of member clubs has fallen to a very low level - e.g. below 10-, despite all reasonable efforts having been made to promote the Association, or:
1.2 That the number of runners in the races has fallen to an unacceptably low level - e.g. below 50- despite the committee having made all reasonable efforts to promote the races. (Due allowance should be made for race location) or:
1.3 That another organisation (such as a UKA hub), has independently taken over the role of the Association by promoting equivalent races, or:
1.4 That the Association has become unable to find the necessary officers to carry out the work of the Association, despite having made all reasonable efforts to recruit the necessary officers or to redistribute the work or reorganise the Association.
2. Mechanism of Dissolution.
2.1 Dissolution requires the support of a simple majority of the total number of member clubs (one vote per club), at an AGM or EGM. Clubs unable to send a representative should send a postal vote to the General Secretary.
2.2 A motion to dissolve the Association requires at least two clubs as proposers.
2.3 Member clubs should be given at least 4 weeks notice in writing of the dissolution vote and of the Committee’s recommendations for disposal of assets.
3. Disposal of Assets
3.1 No individual should benefit financially from dissolution of the association.
3.2 In the event of the Association ceasing to exist, any assets remaining after debts have been paid should be used for the benefit of athletics. In the event of another organisation taking over the role of the Association, any monies and perpetual trophies should be transferred to this successor organisation.
3.3 It is the wish of the Committee that monetary assets should not go to UKA or to EA as matters currently stand.
3.4 In the event of there being no obvious successor organisation, the Committee will make recommendations for the disposal of assets to an AGM or EGM in the light of 3.1, 3.2 and 3.3 above.
4. Liabilities
Current rules state that member clubs are responsible for the liabilities of the Association; this will also apply in event of dissolution.
5. Changes to the Dissolution Policy
Changes to the Dissolution Policy require a vote at an AGM or EGM. Clubs unable to send a representative to the meeting may use a postal vote to the General Secretary.